The Worcester Diocesan Men’s Conference was held on Saturday March 16 at the DCU Center. Like last year, our fraternity sponsored a table where we could share with the attendees some basics about what being a Secular Franciscan is all about. At first, I thought that our table was a bit out of the way and off in a corner, then I realized that “being small” fit us as Franciscans very well. The amazing thing was that the line for Confession was extremely long (as it always is) and wound right past our table, so there was ample opportunity to talk to men as they were waiting. I brought our banner and resources provided by Paul (newsletters, the lending library), while Michele set out bowls of mini medals and prayer cards free for the taking. I also did a lot of folding of our “Come and See” brochure and am happy to say that our stock of these is now running low. Some men were familiar with Secular Franciscans, and I even chatted with a third order Carmelite and third order Dominican who stopped by. Perhaps we will be blessed with some men who will check us out in the coming months.