Sunday, August 11, 2024

Annual Picnic

This year the weather was so beautiful we were able to hold our annual picnic outdoors in the Family Pavilion at church.  For this meeting, out agenda was purely social and fraternal, offering all the opportunity to reconnect with one another.   Although we invited neighboring fraternities, sadly no one else joined us.  Their loss :)

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Men's Conference 2024

The Worcester Diocesan Men’s Conference was held on Saturday March 16 at the DCU Center.  Like last year, our fraternity sponsored a table where we could share with the attendees some basics about what being a Secular Franciscan is all about.  At first, I thought that our table was a bit out of the way and off in a corner, then I realized that “being small” fit us as Franciscans very well.  The amazing thing was that the line for Confession was extremely long (as it always is) and wound right past our table, so there was ample opportunity to talk to men as they were waiting.  I brought our banner and resources provided by Paul (newsletters, the lending library), while Michele set out bowls of mini medals and prayer cards free for the taking.  I also did a lot of folding of our “Come and See” brochure and am happy to say that our stock of these is now running low.  Some men were familiar with Secular Franciscans, and I even chatted with a third order Carmelite and third order Dominican who stopped by.  Perhaps we will be blessed with some men who will check us out in the coming months.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Annual Pot Luck Picnic

Midsummer is such a great time to kick back and relax.  That's why in August we hold our annual Pot Luck Picnic.  There was lots a great food and social time for all.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Worcester Mens' Conference

Well, this was a good idea!  Our fraternity decided to rent a table the 2023 Worcester Diocesan Catholic Men's Conference.  The objective was to "get our name out there" and help explain to people what the Secular Franciscans are all about.

Tanya Connor, a reporter for the Catholic Free Press, captured Paul at our table
looking over a holy card with one of the conference attendees.

Michele helped get things set up first thing in the morning.

Our "table neighbor" checked out our stuff, too.

I had to go down a couple tables, but this was the view of the speakers from our vendor area.

And here's a view of the 700+ men in attendance.

I don't know if we'll get any new people to join us at our meetings, but it was a great way to tell people who we are.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Renewal of Profession

There were no weather problems for our February meeting.  As a result of a great suggestion from a fraternity member, we conducted a renewal of our Secular Franciscan profession in the sanctuary.  Kathleen brought a stature of St. Francis and the crucified Christ for the occassion.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Epiphany Party

Since our fraternity meeting this month actually fell on Epiphany, we decided to have an Epiphany Party.  Even though we started with reflective activity examining and praying for Spiritual Gifts (in the spirit of the Magi), I only capture pictures of food - which was great!

You can't go wrong with a Three Kings Cake from Gerardo's.

Quite a spread.

Something for everyone.

These festive chips were good enough to eat!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Healing Mass & Social

 After a false start last month, we were finally successful in celebrating a Healing Mass with Fr. Chris from Derry, NH.
Thanks to Pam for pulling this together for our whole fraternity.

By the time this photo was snapped, we were done with Mass and were embracing some social time around the fire.  At least, I think there was a fire, but since I am writing this 3 months later, I have sadly forgotten.

It's not even 4pm in this shot, but you can see the angle of the sun is lower as are the temperatures.


Hopefully, we can see more of the fraternity soon!